Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Monday 08 February, Compass Cay to Little Farmers Cay, 30 miles.

Another blow is over and we decided to head south again. Out ultimate destination is Georgetown on Great Exuma and that is as far South is we plan to go.

We thought we might head down to Black Point for another monster load of Laundry (they have the best Laundromat in the Bahamas…) but about half way there we changed out minds and call Terry at Ocean Cabin to see if he had any available mooring balls at Little Farmers Cay. Another FRONT is due in on Wednesday and we figured we might as well seek a protected anchorage early instead of scrambling trying to find one at the last minute.

Got in at Farmers at about 16:00 and hooked onto the same mooring ball as last time, it’s now the official “Querencia Ball”

Being back at Little farmers felt a bit like being back home again. We dropped the dinghy and headed straight in to Ocean Cabin for a couple of cold Kaliks. It was great to see Terry & Ernestine and the local crowd.

The Wednesday blow came thru but was not that bad, however there is another one coming in Friday night and Saturday and this one was supposed to be the FRONT of the century- yikes

We were invited over to Boomerang for dinner and some Irish drinks. Don & Lynn are a cool couple of Canadainians that have retired to Tipperary, Ireland. They spend six months of the year in Ireland and six month on their sailing catamaran in the Bahamas, cool stuff.

In preparation for the whopper blow, with aid from Terry and Jim, we put out our Rocna anchor to the NW sandbar. This is due to the fact that mooring lines are susceptible to chafing and we did not want to rely solely on the mooring lines. Just recently a 57’ foot power boat chafed thru the mooring lines and ended up on the rocks in the middle of the night – no fun. Not only that but there zero room to maneuver in the mooring field, should the pooh hit fan.

The blow came in with a steady 30 kts gusting up to 40. Our Rocna anchor did the brunt of the work (slack mooring lines) and held beautifully. Just as well as out stern was about 2 boat lengths from the beach. If we had dragged there would not have been enough time to react and we would have been beached. We did not sleep that night, so we took watches until the dawn.

Everyone survived the night and we slumbered most of the day until the winds subsided. The day after the blow we celebrated with a delicious lobster meal at Ocean Cabin. There we met up with Jim and Gwen from Innisfree IV, good fun folks from Canada.

Querencia's calling card at Compass Cay courtesy of onboard artiste Mad Maria...

Exiting Compass Cay...

Sunset at Little Farmers Cay...

The world famous OC...

Same business hours as Xdin Inc...

The wonderful proprietors of OC, Terry and Ernerstine Bain... "Better when we see you..."

Sunrise at Little Farmers...

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