Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wenesday 11th November, Savannah GA (0 miles)

Well the rain is still lashing down on us, what grey weather. We heard reports that Norfolk VA was going to get walloped by the storm, fortunately we were just going to see alot of rain and get some wind. Time for housekeeping and reprovisioning, the exciting stuff of cruising. I had a hankerin' for shrimp and grits so we strolled up to The Boars Head for a late lunch that afternoon. The buildings that face the river front are typically five stories high, as you pass between the the building heading away from the river the terrain is steep. So by the time you reach Bay Street on the opposite side of the riverfront the same buildings are two stories high!

The commercial traffic is still nuts and the wakes form the tugs, water taxis and containers ships rock Querencia throughout the night. I feel like we are anchored in the middle of the Norfolk's shipping lane!

Its pretty cool watching these hugh ships pass by though.

Out of focus ship passing us by Querencia's bow.... photographer was not drinking at the time

Originally a Ford Dealership...........

St. John's Cathedral.....

Inside the Cathedral............

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